If this is your first time logging into ARCS, please click here   Register as a new user

If you are new to ARCS, please look at the training videos listed below:

ARCS Training Webinar

This training provides an overview of the Automated Registry Check System (ARCS) and its features. The training includes step-by-step instructions on how to navigate and use ARCS to screen new job applicants and generate a Background Check Fingerprint Request.

Rapback Training Webinar

This training video provides an overview of the Rapback service and its features. It explains the procedures providers need to follow to apply for Rapback, the cost for each enrollee, and how the results are reported.

For assistance please contact at or email noreply@ohio.gov

Effective 03/01/2016: to make sure you have best experience possible, the ODM system will support only the most up-to-date version of the following internet browsers:
o Mozilla Firefox
o Internet Explorer
o Google Chrome
o Safari

Using an older or unsupported internet browser may lead to web pages within the ODM system to not function as intended. Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of your internet browser.

ARCS-Test - Version: 20240331